jueves, 26 de abril de 2012

Cultures around the world

The culture is know to be people knowledege, feith, daily life and the resources that those people have to resolve their problems.
Those facts were different for people who lives in different places because of their history and the characteristics of the place where they lived.
For  a person who lived his entired life in one place is naturally difficult to understand other people culture is not a easy task .
The people usually prefer to only pay attention to their world, to their culture and ever hestitate to understand other people culture, their way to life .
These misunderstanding usually finish to create unfounded hate and discrimination .
The goal we have to pursue is to pay atention in the things we have in common.
The Celts same as the Mapuches were invaded many times.
The invaders usually want to impose their culture to gain full control in the territory.
But any war cant destroy the culture of other they only generate a mix of the cultures.
The convergence of one or more cultures is the result that we can see these days.
Not only Chile and England cultures are the result of this convergence.
Even Indian and Egypt cultures are not the same they were in the past.
The religions usually is the cultural characteristic that people want to impose in others.
The religion like all the others characteristics of culture also change with the cultural convergence.

lunes, 23 de abril de 2012

Ra and his children Questionnaire & Summary

1-the last thing Ra creates was men and women
2.Sekhmet became Hathor the lady of love
3.the people love The era of Ra because it was full of peace
4.The people trick Sekhmet putting alcohol in the Blood the when she drink it she fall asleep
5.The power of Ra lays in his name that is hidden of everyone that makes him so powerful
6.Ra was the first Pharaoh of Egypt 
7.Ra´s eye of death can destroy everything
8.Ra became older because he transform hisself into a human being
9.The Nile river is sacred because is a god that Ra created
10.Aphophis is the dragon o dark he represent the evilness
11.Ra send Sekhmet to kill the evil men influenced by the evil dragon
12.Ra became the Pharaoh of Egypt to rule all men
13.Ra became human to be Pharaoh of Egypt
14.The first day of the world start when Ra said that he is the god of sun
15.A festival in honor of Hathor is represented in the first day of the year
16.The priest drink the beer in the first day of the year
17.The new pain is the punishment that Ra gives to people

Ra proclaim hisself the god of sun creating the first day of the world
Ra create the sacred Nile river
The last thing that Ra created was men and women
To rule all people Ra become human and the first pharaoh of Egypt
The people love the era when Ra was the Pharaoh
The evil dragon Aphophis influence the people of Egypt
Ra first think to kill them all with his eye of death but that can destroy Egypt too
Ra send Sekhmet to kill all the human
The people apology se to Ra and his give them the idea to put alcohol int the blood that Selkhmet likes to drink
Sekhmet returns to Ra and she receive a new name ass Hathor the lady of love
In the first day of every year the priest have to drink beer in a festival in honor of the god ness Hathor

miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012

Different Cultures

The text "Hills like white elephants of Evrest Heminway 
talks about a American guy and a girl who are waiting for the express train
in a train station between the cities of Barcelona and Madrid 
They drinks beers and watch the hills in the meantime
But the real plot in they are going to Madrid to have an abortion
I think that it is really difficult to understand the real meaning under the conversation between the protagonist because you have to realize it by reading carefully the clues that the author gives to you maybe the purpose of telling that the man is American is because they usually travel to others countries to have an abortion.

The video show how a guy named Sidharta lived a comfortingly life under the care of his father
He became an adult and wanted to saw the world
Where he saw the illness and death for first time in his live
After a long travel of suffer hi discover the nirvana 
I think that is very important how the video shown that are people living in luxury
While a lot of people are in suffering.

The visit to the exhibition about the Indian culture show
Their religion the Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism
Their gods who are represented in statues and paintings 
How they rule their daily life
I think that their culture is very interesting because they have a god for every human emotion
How their religions promote the peace between the people and the rest of the world

Its amazing how the cultures around the world can be so different
The Indian people have a strong connection with their religions
The different cultures have different meaning for life and death
This differences can change people ding in their life
The religion can be really intimated with peoples life